Mastering ecommerce omnichannel selling using DigiSense360
6 min readMar 18, 2021


2020 had left us the trial of hopelessness as a remembrance. The pandemic outbreak had shifted a smooth sailing lifestyle into chaos among people restricting them from performing their day-to-day activities. Businesses faced a significant impact of bankruptcy, forcing them to shut down their sales and deprive the freedom of in-store shopping.

As stated in the research article,” 41.3% of businesses reported they were permanently closed because of COVID-19. A smaller part of about 1.8% of companies said they permanently shutdown due to the pandemic. On the contrary, only 1.3% reported their temporary shutdown due to other reasons, and 55.5% of businesses affirmed their functioning regularly”.

How does half the percent of small businesses survive the no-win situation? What strategies did they follow? How did they construct their resistance? Are there any tactics to follow? One answer could be an end card to all these questions.

Based on the eMarketer report, non-ecommerce retail faced a 14% decrease in their sales in 2020. The information supported the probe by concluding an unprecedented crisis has showcased the difference between the traditional and ecommerce retailers in a broad spectrum of light.

Here comes ecommerce in good shape

“ecommerce is not a cherry on the cake; it’s a new cake.”

Jean Paul Ago CEO L’Oreal

When traditional marketing fails, how can any brick-and-mortar retailer survive to date?

Here is what Vandana Menon, a community specialist in the World Economic Forum, highlights her writing with three headstart tips for any business to survive through Covid-19 and furthermore. She insisted Entrepreneurs have to be expeditors and dynamic in functionality in order to source their business in various ecommerce platforms for brand promotion and sales to happen.

For accomplishing such potent business she encouraged every Entrepreneur to turn their focus towards digital transformation for sustainable productivity and seek new opportunities to be unveiled in the digital world with reference to a survey conducted in 2015, quoting 82% of executives giving positive responses for digital transformation and even implementing its strategies into their business.

Touching the core of her topic she finishes off her advice for Entrepreneurs to season their business by collaborating with multi stakeholders for the successful implementation of the business components in multiple channels while sourcing the supply chain.

Why directing your sales towards ecommerce omnichannel selling is strongly preferable?

Concluding from the tips mentioned above, marketing success relies not only on digital adoption but integrating modernized marketing with traditional practice. Mastering something is nothing but learning to excel in something for betterment.

According to Raydiant State of Customer Behavior 2021, nearly 46% of respondents prefer to shop in-person, while 48% of respondents turn their interest from offline shopping to alternate online shopping platforms.

Two facts come to attention at this point as a summary:

  1. Retailers come to know about the presence and value of ecommerce and brick-and-mortar stores are interlinked.
  2. People evaluate brands, prices, and standards through internet surfing and purchasing from stores.

Therefore, the survey anonymously suggests online presence is vital to omnichannel ecommerce.

Now what’s next? Understanding the concept and mastering the ecommerce omnichannel strategies into your business is all you need to do right now.

Here is a solution for you to implement omnichannel selling sophistically using DigiSense360.

FYI, DigiSense360 is a customized digital shelf analytical platform that helps you with product integration, ecommerce content management, valued product pricing and manages the performance of your market presence in multiple ecommerce platforms.

Know what your customers’ preferred channel is for communication

Primary level of customer engagement happens either through offline shopping, emails or landing on a website through random search. Sales pitch can be influenced only when the customer’s interest shifts from just surfing through the web pages into knowing about the products.

The real challenge lies in how a product is displayed on the digital shelf, how often they come under customer’s attention and how well the product is descriptive.

DigiSense360 can take away this burden with its AI and ML insights on real time optimization, customer rating, comments and make your product appear on the first page that can establish a high sales driven business.

Understanding the customer’s availability at their preferred channel and approaching them at the right moment can help in mastering omnichannel selling before time flies.

Showcase your digital shelf wherever possible

Audiences are distributed in every channel, and it is challenging for anyone to target those people from a single track. At this moment, DigiSense360 comes into action. With the DigiSense360 analytics platform, you can line up the product based on categories, import optimized and well-structured content, check on product information quality, and price tag your products based on competitors’ product prices.

It is always difficult to source product attributes for each channel. DigiSense360 helps you overcome this difficulty with multichannel sourcing, i.e., you can export your products from DigiSense360 to many ecommerce platforms.

Targeting customers becomes easy with DigiSense360

Showcasing the products on any ecommerce website can capture customers’ attention in any channel, leaving a trace of their information everywhere. DigiSense360 helps gather the data, manage their reviews and deliver detailed information about the audience’s product perspectives.

If you are an Entrepreneur who runs a renowned business and wants to scale up the online presence of your business on other ecommerce websites then DigiSense360 will be the right analytical tool for you. Implementing DigiSense360 will help you to gain detailed AI-based insights about your brand, monitor competitor pricing, and provide real-time analysis of data recorded every day.

Progression is always right — encourage your offline customers to go online

Mastering ecommerce omnichannel selling becomes reliable when you direct your customers to go through your brand across various platforms, encouraging them to use custom apps while shopping in-store, asking them to scan on products to get more product information, and add products to the virtual cart.

When products are out of stock, feel free to provide your customers with an online delivery option. By doing this, you allow your customers to create their accounts in the application and track your product search performance using DigiSense360.

DigiSense360 can deliver a keen follow-up on the positive reviews and conclude your brand reputation categorized among customers.


A marketer should never burden their shoulder with works that cannot be managed single-handedly. The manual setting will never work out when your business simultaneously delivers offline and online services. Make space for AI and ML induced DigiSense360, a by-product of, which is introduced soulfully for retailers who wish to direct their business in omnichannel selling. If you genuinely wanted to bring change and desired to experience a gig, give a try to our digital shelf analytical platform for a more incredible experience.

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